Welcome to The Crunchwrap! I’m Adam Chandler, a journalist based in New York and the author of the award-winning, fast food history Drive-Thru Dreams (Flatiron, 2019). My next book, 99% Perspiration is about the culture of work in America. Look out for it in January 2025 from Pantheon Books!

Here at Crunchwrap HQ, I’ll be sorting through news and current events, commerce and culture, ideas and passing fixations, roughly once or twice a week.

I have a couple of handy excuses for dubbing this newsletter The Crunchwrap: It’s my favorite item at Taco Bell (don’t sleep on the breakfast version) – it’s compact but substantive, and fairly easily digested. The Crunchwrap also has a little bit of everything inside – news, history, ground beef and rethermalized nacho cheese, lettuce and tomato, work and politics.

Sign up for stray essays from me, plus links to good journalism and nonfiction, bad jokes, and updates about new writing and upcoming projects and appearances.

If you’d like to read more of my work, check it out here: www.adamchandler.com

Or say hello: adam [dot] chandler [at] protonmail [dot] com

Thanks for dropping by!

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Short essays, news, good links, and bad jokes from journalist and author Adam Chandler.


journalist, author, taco bell apologist